We weren't ready. But we did it anyway.

by the Settled Team

For Settled board member Jeff Linert, it began as a stirring to follow Jesus closer in discipleship. In response, Jeff attended a conference on prayer, and did some street ministry — going out and talking to people on the street and offering to pray for them.

This led him to volunteer with Settled and Walking with a Purpose, bringing supplies to people on the streets. Think back to the polar vortex a few years ago when most of us were cozy at home—Jeff was out there, braving the elements, ensuring his new friends on the streets stayed warm too.

One of those couples was David and Laura.

“We were drawn to them. Everybody liked them."

They were not only affected by the polar vortex, but they had been red-tagged too, meaning that the city authorities had notified them that their living arrangements weren’t safe and fit to live in, and they needed to leave. The problem was that their tent was frozen to the ground and couldn’t be moved. It was slated to be bulldozed.

And it was out there in the freezing cold, as David, Laura, Jeff, and Gabrielle tried to salvage some of David and Laura's belongings — they realized that Settled was not just a research project. Within that moment, it became clear that Settled had to become real.

“We weren’t ready. But we did it anyway.”

Jeff sent out an email to his church and within an hour he had all the donations they needed to get David and Laura into a hotel for a week and to set them up with new belongings. Then a friend from Bible study reached out and said he saw a trailer that maybe they could use. It was donated for free and placed in a church parking lot. 

Less than a week later, someone threatened a lawsuit.

But Jeff wasn’t deterred. Jeff said he woke up with these Bible verses in his head:

“If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
- 1 John 3:17-18

What was he going to do? How was he going to live that out?

They raised more money; bought a different trailer, a better one, and relocated David and Laura into an RV site where they were able to stay until the first Sacred Settlement could be established. It was during that time that Jeff was invited to be the treasurer and Settled's third board member.

Jeff eventually also met Junior and Chrissy, a couple living on the streets for years. Through a complex series of events and a relationship that wouldn’t give up no matter the circumstances, Junior and Chrissy also ended up in one of our Sacred Settlements as neighbors. Jeff remains their Supportive Friend to this day.

Life can be full of problems and anxiety rooted in fear and imagination, leading us to assume the worst, but the reality is that everyone needs to know someone cares for them. Jeff wanted them to know:

“I’m here. God’s here. You’re a beautiful person.”

His journey—from seeking a deeper faith to advocating for those in need—shows the powerful impact one committed person can make. His story illustrates that meaningful change often starts with a single act of kindness and grows through consistent, compassionate action. By stepping out of his comfort zone and embracing the call to serve, Jeff has not only transformed lives but has also embodied the spirit of Full Community that defines our mission at Settled. After thinking about it for a minute, Jeff wondered:

“Why did I do that? It turned out to be compassion.”

As Jeff’s example shows us, each of us has the potential to make a difference—whether it’s through direct action or supportive friendship. It all starts with an open heart and a willingness to help those who need it most. The impact might be invisible at first but monumental for someone down the line. You might never know the difference you can make in someone’s life, but it can change everything for that person.

 “Anyone can do this."

It just takes a willing heart to serve. Someone ready to reach out, as Jesus did, to society's least privileged.

“We gotta do something to show that God really does care.”

Remember, the opportunity to create lasting change is always within our grasp. We just need to take that first step out of our comfort zone and towards that person who needs help.

Read more stories.