Life as an Intentional Neighbor.

by the Settled Team

There is no 'one' way to be an Intentional Neighbor. Part of the job is that it's not really a job. It's a choice to live authentically in community alongside folks who had a background on the street. That's it. It's not a paid gig. You're not a chaperone, a property manager, or a caseworker, you have no special privileges. You're just part of the community.

In our experience, people who gravitate towards being an Intentional Neighbor have been preparing for this role for a long time without realizing it. Some had parents who gave them service opportunities as a kid, where they interacted with people in need. Some felt led to gradually deepen their impact in the world, culminating with this work. And some had hard seasons of their own where they experienced genuine love from others. The stories are very different, but the common thread is an ever-growing compassion.

When a person really understands this, they start to see everyone as equals.

We are always learning and growing as humans and living in community requires a lot of learning, humility and adaptability. A major key is truly seeing all the neighbors in the community as equals, all learning from each other, not coming in thinking I have all the answers and can “fix” or “help” my neighbors, but rather be present and authentically live my life alongside others.
- Rose, Intentional Neighbor at Sacred Settlement Mosaic

With time and patience, this approach gives everyone living in the community lots of opportunities to grow. Much of this comes from the way of life in Sacred Settlements. Showers and laundry facilities are shared, for example, so neighbors might come up with schedules and routines to be respectful of others. Weekly huddles keep everyone in the loop about life in the community. Fun traditions like weekly dinner and movie nights are all about deepening relationships.

One step at a time, one minute at a time, slowly but surely; just like a seed planted takes time to sprout and flower; so is patience and hope in our communities. My neighbors motivate me as well in their unique abilities, their friendships, their point of view and great endurance. I am always amazed and learning from them! I am here to learn, because everyone brings something beautiful to the table.
- Mischa, Intentional Neighbor at Sacred Settlement Prince of Peace

Sometimes someone in the community has a bad day. A seemingly small thing can uncover painful, unresolved trauma. Intentional Neighbors are trained and disciplined to make space for those feelings and help their neighbors to process them.

The resilience, strength and positive attitude you have to maintain through the struggles of being homeless is beyond what I can imagine, and I have such respect towards people who have been homeless. I have grown in love, openness and adaptability as I’ve lived here.
- Rose, Intentional Neighbor at Sacred Settlement Mosaic

It's an environment where 'relationship' happens. It can't be faked, and it can't be bought, but it is earned through time and intention. If you or someone you know are interested in becoming an Intentional Neighbor, please reach out to us here.

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