Not in My BackYard (NIMBYism) is a prevalent attitude in our society. Although a person might be in favor of helping homelessness, they don’t necessarily want the solution to be near them. It is one of the biggest barriers to developing affordable housing across the nation.
The truth is, homelessness is already near us. And if we had eyes to see our neighbors, tonight, living on the fringes of our cities and neighborhoods, we might realize that the situation can only improve when we welcome them home. Sacred Settlements are an opportunity for the local church to lead their communities in this new way of thinking about homelessness. It starts with the mindset of the church to think of ALL their neighbors as deserving of warm community.
Several of our Sacred Settlements have experienced opposition from their surrounding neighborhoods, at first. It’s natural to be cautious of the unknown. People want to know, “How will this affect my current way of life?” We always want to begin and continue to respond with empathy and understanding. Safety, peace, and beauty are all good desires. Yet it takes time to understand that Sacred Settlements are not threatening to these things, rather they increase these things in the neighborhood. Experiences with established Sacred Settlements can, no doubt, serve as strong proof that the model is sound and well-grounded.
Each settlement has responded to questions strongly with positive voices in town hall gatherings, city council meetings, and media outlets. And they have each experienced an outpouring of support from heaven and earth. Thank you for continuing to encourage all of our Sacred Settlements. Full Community is truly becoming an ecosystem of like-hearted people.