Why the local Church.

by the Settled Team

Traditional housing programs for the homeless have worked under the assumption that homeless people need a house. They need a place to live, and some resources to aid in recovery and the ability to be independent - and then everything will be fine. But life isn’t about independence as much as it is about interdependence. We need each other. We need other people in our lives, no matter what our background.

“The root cause is not lack of housing. It's not a lack of social services, though those can be barriers. It's a lack of family. You're not stuck on the streets for five, ten, twenty years because there's just not enough housing; you're on the streets because you're out of relationships.”
- Dr. Gabrielle Clowdus

The Full Community model is all about relationships. Intentional Neighbors simplify their lifestyles in order to live in the Sacred Settlement alongside formerly homeless neighbors. Supportive Friends provide friendship and help connect neighbors to essential resources. And of course, these relationships need a place, a Cultivated Place.

Many churches - perhaps even yours - have underutilized land, whether it be a strip of woods, an empty greenspace or a vacant corner of the parking lot. These forgotten grounds can now be reclaimed and put to kingdom-use. What's true outside is often true on the inside. In an age of zoom-meetings and service-streaming, Church buildings have empty corners or office spaces that can be converted to a vibrant common home. A place where neighbors can work together, play a game while the laundry is going or share stories while dinner is cooking.

Of course, churches also have something else that is essential to the Full Community model: people! People of various ages and life-experiences can contribute to a Sacred Settlement in many meaningful and unique ways. This built-in community can be revitalized with the shared purpose of deepening relationships with their Sacred Settlement neighbors. All of this brings the original calling of the local Church to fresh relevancy. Sacred Settlements can ignite your congregation.

We invite you to think differently about what your church and its grounds can become. There is a nation full of local Churches, each one offering beautiful places and people to a community in desperate need of both.

My people will live in peaceful dwelling places, in secure homes, in undisturbed places of rest.
- Isaiah 32:18

Reach out to us, if you think your church might be ready to learn more about hosting a Sacred Settlement or supporting a church that does.

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